
Below are several highlights from my time working on exhibitions, whether that be design, curation, or installation.

Why Color?

Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ | 2022

As a student edu-curator of the first in-class-residency, I, along with my 12 peers, curated this exhibit and designed participatory elements for visitors.


Showcasing Sustainable Glass Art

Glass Art Society, Virtual | Summer 2021

The first ever sustainability/green focused exhibition GAS has ever had! This virtual exhibit included 30 artists from over 10 different countries and was juried by: Juli Bolaños-Durman, Scotland; Amber Cowan, USA; Candice-Elena Greer, United Kingdom; and Frederik Rombach, Belgium.

be sure to view the virtual exhibit and the digital catalog!

ID: the exhibition cover. the left side is aqua with the GAS logo in the top corner and on the bottom, “TRACE Showcasing Sustainable Glass Art 2021 Green Exhibition.”

Following the Wrong Gods Home

Gage Academy of Art, Seattle, WA | 2019

A solo exhibition I helped curate one of our gallery spaces for, with local Seattle artist Patricia Halsell.

I’m Sorry But It’s Hard to Imagine

Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Scottsdale, AZ | 2017

The images below are from one of my favorite exhibitions that I had the pleasure of helping install while as an intern at SMoCA.